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Why We Don’t Even Try: Laziness, Determination and Learned Helplessness
We judge others for their laziness, timidity, inefficiency and lack of determination. But Learned Helplessness can be a better explanation.

When Your Parents Disappoint You: The Difference Between Being Loved, and Being Lovable
How our parents treated us can impact how we feel about ourselves. But a difficult childhood doesn’t mean we have to feel bad forever.

“Doing Fine” When We’re Not: Intimacy, Competition and Shame
Sometimes we’d rather die than let others know we’re feeling bad. What’s behind this, and how does it keep us in our cycle of sadness?

Love and Work: The Route to Happiness
There’s no shortage of advice on how to be happy. Perhaps it’s time to look again at what the father of psychology had to say.

Crying in a BMW: Money, Materialism and the Pursuit of Happiness
If all we want is to be happy, why do many of us spend so much time pursuing money & possessions? Understanding is the first step to change.

Sex, Shame and the Myth of Normality
Society tells us what “normal” sexual behavior and feelings are. And there’s a lot of guilt and shame around not fitting in perfectly.

Social Climbing and the Meaning of Life: Insecurity, Anxiety and Self-Knowledge
People show off their latest acquisitions and their taste for the finer things. It's a poor solution to anxiety, insecurity and unhappiness.

Promotions, Raises and Anxiety: Managing Work Stress By Managing Yourself
We have little control over what rewards come from our company. That’s stressful. Manage that stress by focusing on what can be controlled.

Envy, Competition and Friendship — Feeling Better About Ourselves Despite Our “Bad” Feelings
We sometimes feel envious and competitive toward friends and family. Society frowns on this, so we try our best to squash these feelings.

Why We Can't Stop Ourselves -- Addiction, Willpower and Self-Esteem
Repetitive, harmful behavior seems senseless. Why do people damage themselves with alcohol, food, gambling, social media and the like?
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